Program Development

Stakeholder Engagement & Education

With our professional and technical expertise, GSS staff can coordinate or contribute to stakeholder education and engagement efforts for and with our partners. For example, GSS has presented informational sessions (e.g., why are wetlands important and how can we protect/restore/learn more about them in our area?) and facilitated discussions with a wide variety of stakeholders, including federal and state agencies, county governments, non-profits, private businesses, and concerned citizens. We can also create materials, such as maps or web applications, that will help disseminate information and/or gather feedback from stakeholders. This process can help find common ground and advance solutions to complex challenges or problems.

Condition & Vulnerability Assessment

GSS has extensive experience in evaluating natural resources to assess their current condition and/or vulnerability to particular threats (e.g., climate change). This process involves the review and synthesis of information from multiple sources, including literature, databases, spatial data, and discussions with local experts (e.g., researchers, land managers). Each project is tailored to meet the goals and needs of our partners. The results of these assessments can help our partners set management priorities, identify and articulate research needs, and contribute to resource planning efforts.

Risk Analysis

Many human activities pose inherent risks to our environment, some of which may threaten human health and wellbeing. A risk analysis identifies and describes the variety of risks associated with an action or program, in order to aid in decision making, and to potentially help minimize or mitigate certain risks. Key components of risk analysis include defining uncertainties and developing a range of options to address various hazards. This type of analysis is critical to responsible and effective resource management and development.

Enterprise Data Needs Assessment

GIS has become an essential tool in many industries, allowing organizations to quickly gather, analyze, and disseminate information. It can improve organizational awareness, efficiency, and responsiveness. Enterprise GIS systems help to compile and centralize data so that it is more accessible, both within an organization and potentially to customers. An enterprise data needs assessment can outline the costs and benefits of implementing a GIS system and jumpstart the integration of this technology. The needs assessment includes an evaluation of any existing GIS data and systems, as well as other resources (e.g., personnel, hardware, non-GIS databases, hard-copy maps); this often identifies redundancies that can be eliminated to streamline data management. An assessment can outline organizational requirements in terms of data accuracy, precision, and timeline, and can also establish GIS data standards. An enterprise data needs assessment will help your organization develop a GIS system that is right for you – not too big (and costly) or too small.